MOST VALUABLE PLAYER (MVP) AWARD (as voted by parents)
Each season the club recognises the most valuable player from each team. The MVP Award is based on parental votes from player's families on a weekly rotating basis. Each week your team is required to have a parent /carer from a different family vote by getting them to submit an electronic voting form. Team Managers simply forward the MVP Voting Form to the voting parent on a weekly basis (for each round) and they submit their votes immediately after each game.
Team Managers should organise a rotating roster for their team's voting so that a parent from a different family votes each week, therefore making it fair to all players and giving them an equal opportunity in winning the MVP Award at the end of the season.
The voter must choose 3 players (3 votes going to the best player on the court that game, 2 votes to the next best player, and 1 vote for the next best player) by full name and singlet number. They enter their selections and submit the form into our system. The votes are then automatically counted for trophy preparation.
Teams vote for all rounds of the normal season (including grading games). We do not vote during finals rounds.
All under 10, under 12, under 14 and under 16 teams vote for and have a player receive an MVP trophy.
Under 18 teams do NOT receive MVP awards.
At the end of the season the coaches of under 10, under 12, under 14 and under 16 teams will nominate 1 player to receive the Coaches Award.
It is the coaches disretion to select how the award will be represented. Some examples could include, recognising the most improved, best team player, most consistent or a player who contributes the most and turns up for training every week.
Every under 8 Kangas player will receive a trophy at the end of the season to acknowledge their efforts for the season.
The club recognises 5, 10, 15, 20 & 30 seasons played at the Nunawading Kangas Club. Players who reach these milestone seasons will recieve a medal to recognise their contribution to the club.
Lifetime Awards recognise members who have given a huge amount of time and effort at the Nunawading Kangas Club over a number of years. Kangas recognise all the hard work and many hours members put into the club wither by playing, coaching or being on the committee.
All of these awards are presented to players and members at the Club Presentation Night at the end of each season.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss an alternate arrangement, please contact our Trophy Co-ordinator, email: nuna.kangas.trophy@gmail.com