Step 1: Use our chart to choose your singlet number
Click here to see the chart of player numbers currently in use.
You need to avoid numbers already used by players who are the same age as your player and those a year younger and a year older.
That will help to avoid future number clashes as your child moves up the age groups. Please note, if you choose a number already in use by a player of the same age and they are placed in the same team in future, the most recent player will be asked to wear an alternate singlet for the season.
Any number between 0 and 99 that is not already in use can be selected.
Step 2: Let us know your number selection
Please click here to complete our Google form to let the uniform Coordinator know the number you have chosen. They will then add it to the list of numbers already in use, to help other new players know to avoid choosing that number too.
Step 3: Order your Uniform
Cut off date for orders: 15th of each month
If you are interested in buying or selling a good condition second hand uniform, please go to our Facebook page and follow the link to our second hand uniform group.
Please note, if you are going to purchase a second hand uniform, please use the singlet number table to ensure the number is not already in use in your age group. If the chart shows it is in use, please email Uniform Coordinator to double check, as it the listing in the table may be referring to the player you are trying to buy it from.
If you have any questions regarding uniform, please contact our Uniform Coordinator at kangasuniforms@gmail.com