To deliver an enjoyable and rewarding experience to our basketball community with programs offering opportunities to players of all ages and skill levels that helps them to participate, perform and grow.


Our aim as a Club is to get kids participating in basketball in a team environment that is commensurate with their skill levelThe Age Group Co-Ordinators are supported by the Executive Committee, our Head Coach and senior coaches to select teams that will be competitive in their age group and grade. 

 We are proactive in moving players between teams each season to give them exposure to different skills, players and coaching to broaden their experiences with basketball and their social networks within the communityIt is important that every player has the ability to make a positive contribution to their team each season. 

 In addition to a player’s age and ability, there are several other factors that are considered by the AGC’s:  

  • Coaches Reports – coaches are asked to submit a report which covers each player’s ability and development, attitude to training and coachabilityThese reports are both formal and informal, occurring throughout the season and prior to teams being formed for the new season. 

  • Past History (where applicable) – of the age group and grade played in previous seasons.  

  • Team Selection Meetings – AGC’s and coaches will review the progress of players against their age group peers throughout the season. Players will develop differently, and it is important that we move players between grades to ensure that both the player and the team maximise their enjoyment of basketball.  

  • Friends – requests to play with a friend or friendship group will be considered by the AGC’s where there is a reciprocal request by the families; one-side requests will not be consideredIt is important that players are of a similar skill and experience level so that the overall grading of the team is suitable for the players and the competition that they are playing in.  It is unfair on the player and the team for the Club to allocate a player that is significantly more or less skilled than the team and competition they are playing in.    

  • Team Size – teams will generally have 7-8 players to ensure that we do not need to utilise fill-ins throughout the season and to provide all players with a good amount of court timeWe expect that all players in a team will be available for the majority of games and training sessions throughout the season.  

  • Late Registrations –will generally not be accepted.  An extreme amount of volunteer time is invested into the selection process to ensure we have the right team balance across all age groups.  If you have an extenuating circumstance, you can contact the registrar directly via 

Club Contacts 

The registration form that you submit, states that you will accept selection decisions by playing in the team in which you are placed. If you wish to be considered to assist with future selection processes, please contact the age group coordinator or secretary to join the team of volunteers.   

Contact the Director of Coaching by sending an email to: 

 Reviewed Feb 2025 


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