To deliver an enjoyable and rewarding experience to our basketball community with programs offering opportunities to players of all ages and skill levels that helps them to participate, perform and grow.


The Club often receives requests from parents trying to understand how the club allocates players to teams. This policy is designed to provide an insight into this team selection process.

Each season the girls and boys team selection coordinators conduct team selection in consultation with our coaches and a selection panel in the lead-up to each new season.

Ordinarily teams will get mixed up each season due to changes in player’s ages and cut off dates. This is to ensure players are not advantaged or disadvantaged by their date of birth. It also helps players to learn from each other and enlarges their social networks within the community.

Team selections are not indefinite selections. They are a placement for a single season only.

Factors Considered in all Team Selection

In addition to a player’s age and availability, there are several other factors considered by the Age Group Coordinators (AGC’s) when allocating players to teams:

  • Coaches Reports – Coaches submit a report which covers player’s ability and development, attitude to training & coachability

  • Past History (where applicable) – of the age group and grade played in previous seasons

  • Team Selection session performance – Age Group Co-ordinaror’s and several age group coaches will review the progress of players against their age group peers in team selection meetings. Often players do not develop at the same rate, so it is not unusual for players to move between grades and therefore teams differently

  • Team Balance – In the interest of the enjoyment of the players the club will often mix teams that have a balance of skill, speed, height and in older age groups that ability to play a position. It is important to understand that the more constraints/restrictions you have for your child, the less opportunities for your child to be placed in a team matched to their ability. If you wish for your child to be placed in a team on their ability, keeping restrictions to a minimum will assist.

  • Friends – Requests for a single pair of friends to be kept together are accommodated if possible. If there’s a skill difference between the players, they will be ranked in a team suited to the less-skilled player (noting that this may mean that the team is graded at a higher level). One-sided requests will not be considered. These requests must be included in the designated area within the registration form.

  • Team Size – Where possible the club will limit teams to a maximum of 8 players.  This will allow all kids to have a decent amount of court time each game whilst enabling the team to participate each week as some team members may be ill, injured or unavailable throughout the season. Team numbers will be dictated by the number of registrations we receive each season so there may be instances where some teams may have more or less than the desired 8 player maximum.

  • Late Registrations – Late registrations will not be accepted.  An extreme amount of volunteer time is invested into the selection process to ensure we have the right team balance across all age groups.  If you have an extenuating circumstance, you can contact the registrar directly via


Custom Teams

In general, the club reserves the right to ensure that the top 2/3 teams in each age group are selected based on merit/ability/talent. This is aimed at ensuring the club is competitive in all grades it competes in.

The club appreciates that there will be players wanting to stay together as a team each season, however logistically this is not always possible to accommodate. 

If making a custom team adversely affects teams above or below, then obviously this cannot be accomodated.

Customs teams must:

  • Provide the majority of a playing group (min 7 players)

  • Provide a coach

  • Provide a Team manager

  • All players should be able to play and train at the same time

  • All players must be registered before close of registration. 

The club reserves the right to add players to a custom team, if necessary. This would be discussed with the team manager of the team in advance, before any additions are made. Custom teams may be refused. Teams submitted after registration will not be considered.

Club Contacts

The registration form that you submit, states that you will accept selection decisions by playing in the team in which you are placed. If you wish to be considered to assist with future selection processes, please contact the age group coordinator or secretary to join the team of volunteers. 

Contact the team selection coordinator by sending an email to:


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